
Unity 6: What’s New and Why You Should Try It

Unity has long been a cornerstone of game development, offering robust tools for creating interactive 2D, 3D, VR, and AR experiences. The release of Unity 6 marks a significant milestone in the evolution of the platform, bringing a host of new features, enhancements, and optimizations that promise to elevate the development process. This article delves…

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Creating a Chrome extension using Yarn

Creating a Chrome extension using Yarn involves several steps, including setting up the project structure, writing necessary configuration files, and coding the extension itself. Below is a basic guide to help you build a Chrome extension using Yarn: Step 1: Set Up Project Structure Initialize the project with Yarn: bash yarn init -y Install necessary…

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Integeration of ads into games

By default whatever you upload it ignores html file of your build, so what you have to do is nativagate to Build-> *.loader.js Open it up and paste the following script and modify it according to your needs   Script: const iparentDiv = document.createElement(‘div’); iparentDiv.className = ‘iparent’; = ‘50%’; = ‘50%’; =…

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