what are the security features of photon2

Photon 2 offers robust security features for multiplayer game development, ensuring a safe and fair gaming environment. Here are the key security features of Photon 2 based on the provided sources:

  1. Cheat Protection by Determinism:
    • Photon Quantum's determinism provides cheat-robustness, where modifications made by one player on their client do not affect others, maintaining a fair gameplay experience


  2. Trustable Match Results:
    • Photon Quantum ensures match results are secure and can be updated in a game backend, with options for secure results before moving towards an authoritative game setup, enhancing the integrity of multiplayer matches


  3. Protecting Client-Controlled Game Configs:
    • Photon Quantum allows for the protection of client-controlled game configurations by verifying them against player progression saved on a backend using custom server plugins, ensuring fair play and preventing unauthorized modifications


  4. Custom Authentication:
    • While Photon does not offer an authentication service or player database, it recommends adding proprietary or Photon Realtime Custom Authentication to enhance security measures in multiplayer games


  5. Determinism as a Drawback:
    • Despite its advantages, determinism in Photon 2 can present challenges like the Perfect Information Problem where client-controlled secrets are vulnerable, requiring additional measures to secure sensitive information in games


These security features highlight how Photon 2 prioritizes cheat protection, trustable match results, client-controlled game config protection, and custom authentication to create a secure and fair multiplayer gaming environment for players and developers alike.

how does photon2’s encryption system work

Photon 2's encryption system, specifically in the context of Photon Bolt, works by applying a native encryption system to ensure the security of data transmission in multiplayer game development. Here is how the encryption system functions based on the provided source:

  • Encryption Process:
    • The packet encryption system in Photon Bolt encrypts data by following specific steps:
      1. Encrypt Data: Each packet is prefixed with a unique sequential ID, a hash based on the packet content is generated and appended to the data buffer, and then the entire buffer is encrypted using well-known algorithms like Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) with a key size of 256 bits and CipherMode.CBC, along with Message Authentication Code (HMAC) using the SHA256 function


      2. Decrypt Data: Upon receiving data, the buffer is decrypted, the hash code is validated, and the received ID is checked against the last valid packet. If the packet is older, it is discarded, ensuring data integrity and security


  • Key Exchange:
    • Photon Bolt's encryption system does not handle the exchange of secrets (keys) but provides the necessary tools to create and extract keys for encryption and decryption. Users need to implement their secure key exchange service to ensure the confidentiality of keys used in the encryption process


  • Setup and Reset:
    • Setting up the encryption system involves generating necessary keys like Initialization Vectors (IV), AES keys, and Hash Secrets, and initializing the system with these keys. Resetting the encryption system involves de initializing configurations if needed, providing flexibility in enabling or disabling encryption as required


Photon 2's encryption system in Photon Bolt ensures data security by encrypting and decrypting packets using robust algorithms like AES and HMAC, maintaining the integrity of multiplayer game data transmission.

what encryption algorithms does photon2 use

Photon 2, specifically in the context of Photon Fusion 2, uses the following encryption algorithms for securing data transmission in multiplayer game development:

  1. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES):
    • Key Size: 256 bits
    • Mode: CipherMode.CBC
  2. Message Authentication Code (HMAC):
    • Using the SHA256 function

These encryption algorithms are applied to encrypt and decrypt data packets, ensuring secure communication between clients and servers in multiplayer games powered by Photon 2

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